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Everything Can Be Solved By Coding

In the middle of intricacies colored by coding, program, those methods and class, discrete math, and blah blah blah, my brain could finally turn gray. And I somehow need a distraction which I only can enjoy in this such a rare holiday. yay!

By the way, in my new environment, there are so many things solved, done by ........ coding. What the?! My friend, who is one of the dewa, solved the limit problem using the program he made, easily. And he made a schedule of his group's assignment with a program. My lecture, he showed the announcement of middle test with a series of code, and we've got to get the output. How could I be thrown to this such a coding world? :')

If they could make things easy by coding a program, could their program solve a personal distracting problem?

how could??


Anonymous at: November 8, 2011 at 5:41 PM said...

wah, that's cool :D that codes