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Just an Implicit Thought

I'm tired of hearing a lot of people complain and beef about their troubles and feel bored of their lifes. Oh come on, don't you get a clue why you always bored of your whole freaking life? It's because you always sit in your zone and do all the same things in safety line! Please people, world is much bigger than you can see. Wake up and get out of your comfort zone and find something new! I know it's hard to break up your comfort zone because it's where you always be living. But you never be someone better if you keep staying in that pathetic zone. There're so many things you can learn and make you better outside, just crack your protector sphere and see the world straightaway. Taking risk isn’t always bad, it really helps you to be whatever you want. Even other people must be shouting on your decision, just go on! There's no difference between a crowd of fans who cheer on you and a heap of losers who twit on you, both are making a lot of noise. And how you take that, is up to you.

picture source: 1000awesomethings.com/2008/12/30/863-the-perfect-egg-crack/

Inspired after watching preggers, glee episode.


Anonymous at: November 17, 2010 at 2:41 AM said...

hey mum, u know sometime seeing your reason make me feel better to do everything just in my own , include the reason why must I live in a different ways . thanks a bunch :D

{ Hana Fitriani } at: December 3, 2010 at 6:43 AM said...

(melayang tinggi)