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Nothing But Words

Second word : Alhamdulilllah!!!
Third and then : jambret!! jambret!! &*!)@*!#)@$&@)$@#&)$%#!@$%

yah kira-kira seperti itu tanggapan saya ketika membuka laptop tanggal 17 May 2011 jam 19:00. It was such a surprising moment that made my tears just automatically drop down. How couldn't I be blank and freeze for seconds if I saw this :

Remembering the time I opened the website and got stressed out waiting for the result, it's still unbelievable for me. You know, that was the college I did want! That was the college I always dreamed of!
Couple months ago I answered the question "which college you want to go in?" doubtlessly, Universitas Indonesia. I tried so hard, it was my motivation when I dropped and had nothing to do for. I made it as my desktop, I glued to my mind. There're many notes about physics, chemictry, math and biology glued on my mirror and wardrobe. I filled that college on every tryouts. I was worried every time my mother got confused about my option to go out of this city. I remember the moment I felt nothing and dropped. It was couple months ago, until everybody knew how much I wanted to go there.
I have to pack my belongings, my luggages, my books to bring to Depok. I have to learn more about computer. My mother has already had me buy some books and stuffs. The most thing, I already have a college card! uuuuuuuuuhyeaaaaaah brava! brava!
I just think, how could I?? How could I be accepted?? There're many smarter people, but? Oh God.


get to Universitas Indonesia, checked!
flip the paper, list another dreams and check it soon.

Soooooooooo guys?

Don't stop believing.


Anonymous at: June 14, 2011 at 4:48 AM said...

:) cool as usual haha

{ Hana Fitriani } at: June 15, 2011 at 1:59 AM said...

cool darimana? -__-